Tiny Tales from the Frontline

Tiny Tales puts our experience at the transformation coalface into easily digestible, mercilessly illustrated, infinitely usable learnings. Download, enjoy, paste into a deck and share.

In this latest issue, we go big on pirates and look at how the scenarios are still present in our working lives today. We also zoom in on best-laid plans, the balancing act of coding on the client frontline, plus a few random tales to boot. Download our latest issue to find out more...


In our launch issue, we answer questions such as ‘What’s the KPI that kills innovation?’, ‘Why is culture ‘not your property’?’, ‘How do you turn a user story on its head?’ and ‘When is code really complete?’. Download our first collection of stories straight from the frontline, have a read… and hopefully have a laugh too.


Issue 2 is all about people – who to attract and how to attract the 'right' people – whoever those right people may be. In a sector that often feels like a game of musical chairs, we've learnt from the people who already work for us that it's time to tear up the rule book, throw the hiring template away and value potential over the predictable...


Ahoy there! Issue 3 of Tiny Tales features pirates, Yoda, IKEA and, of course, our resident Nowhere Fast... among others. Find out how these and other random tales make this latest issue a hearty read. Download it now...