Posted by Gareth Evans . Apr 18.23

Our purpose is the ‘Pursuit of Relevance’. We’re here to help you accelerate the flow of value delivered to your customers so you can thrive in rapidly changing times.

Flow of value is becoming an obsession for enterprises across the world. This is because constraints to flow are now more easily seen, measured and understood. They can exist anywhere in your system or value stream – in your vision and objectives, your tech, your practices, your processes, the way you’re organised, the way you work and the way you think about innovation to find new value for customers.

We know, because we’re hunting down and eliminating those constraints every day. Our services across Strategic Advisory and the human technical system are geared to finding them, understanding why they’re happening, the delays they cause and what needs to change to get something better into the hands of customers much, much faster.

What makes us different?

Focus on flow

Flow is the perspective that matters most and it’s no surprise that US enterprises were first to get it. They’re shifting from ‘project to product’, practising Value Stream Management and focusing on removing delays from their systems. New Zealand and Australian enterprises are beginning to make these moves too, many with our help. We’re NZ’s leading Value Stream consulting practice.

Systems thinking

We take a systems-thinking approach to avoid local optimisations that contribute little to the whole. While our core offerings speak to different aspects of your system, they are all part of one system and we don’t think of them in silos. Fiddling around at the edges changes nothing.

Focus on your people

Technology and people are one system and two sides of the same coin. Creating an environment that enables teams to succeed and deliver what customers really want is all about taking care of both sides. Focusing only on the tech and technical methodology are important but they don’t get you a great engineering practice. We focus as much on the social constructs and human networks – the right people, self-organised in the right way with the right mindset, skills and capabilities to help you find the high performance that once seemed so elusive.

Transition not transformation

Your enterprise is not a caterpillar that becomes a chrysalis from which a butterfly emerges. It’s an organisation in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world that needs to keep flying while making changes. Transition takes you on a step-by-step, fastest-path-to-value journey to remove constraints from the system and free the flow. Transition can adapt to what arrives tomorrow because there’s no destination. What emerges with each step points to what’s possible with the next. Over time, there is a fusion of systems, thinking, practice and ideas that compounds the creation of value.

Our people

We are an eclectic, diverse, loyal and long-lived team with shared purpose and values. Together, we have extensive skills across our consulting lines. From the very best software engineers to strategic experts able to engage at board level, we’re able to bring the latest ideas, frameworks, concepts and leading-edge delivery practices to our work. And we do it with a pragmatism borne of our people’s experience at the coalface of change. We promise that the people you speak to first are the people that get stuck in and will be there at the end.

What can we do for you?

What’s your scenario? What are your constraints? Where are they? What’s causing them? How do you meet the challenge? We’d love to help you answer these questions and get more value into your customers’ hands faster. A conversation costs nothing. But the outcomes which eventuate can be worth millions.

Gareth Evans

Gareth Evans

Co-founder of HYPR, our chief engineer and solutions expert and one of the first fully-certified SAFe® Programme Consultant Trainers (SPCT). Above all, Gareth is a fantastic technology mentor to our team.

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